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And if you live in Puddington, Burton, Ness, Little Neston, Parkgate, Heswall and parts up to West Kirby, it’s also the season that biting insects swarm and multiply to vex us.

But it needn’t be that bad.


Here at HOLISTIC-CENTRE.ORG limited, in Little Neston, we have some suggestions to get through this time.

  1. Citronella Oil – It’s something of an acquired taste for us, but the flying nasties have to overcome a lot of distaste for this particular essential oil. A few drops on a paper tissue, allowed to protrude from your pocket, and you’ll find the warm September, and even warm October, evenings are a lot less pestilential.

  2. Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) and Garlic tablets have been shown in clinical trials to make a person a lot less toothsome for our winged friends of the marsh. Two or three days of taking the recommended daily dose and you’re insect free, and with odourless garlic as the supplement, not offensive to friends and family.

  3. Our ‘Bio-energetic Health Screening’ device, the internationally renowned ‘Asyra’, can produce a remedy if the biters get through your first line of defence.

  4. Wear light coloured clothing and cover up your arms! Most biting insects are attracted to dark colours.
  5. In the garden, stock ponds with ornamental carp, and make sure that water butts are well covered and that they are regularly fully drained. Also, keep an eye on flat roofs and gutters for standing water where the biting insects can breed.
  6. Keep bird baths clean and put fresh water in no less frequently than every two days.

Finally, if you are bitten, keep an eye on the bite. Don’t scratch at it, and watch for infection. Personal experience has found that Elastoplast Silver sticking plasters are very good at both preventing infection and promoting rapid healing. If you get infected, then a visit to the GP is in order, or, at the very least, a pharmacist. After that, we can help with supplements to bolster your immune system, but rule of thumb, always consult your doctor first!

More information about Biting Insects on the Wirral go to

Ellesmere Port and Neston Borough Council Mosquito Page

Mosquito Watch

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